About us

This blog is all about the residents of Hassocks and Hurstpierpoint trying to Protect Ham Fields. Ham Fields is the ancient name of the green space which remains between Hassocks and Hurstpierpoint, the so called Strategic Gap, also referred to as land to the west of London Road, Hassocks.

Please feel free to e-mail us protecthamfields@gmail.com or use the Contact us form.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Additional Ideas to Incorporate in an Objection

On an unaccredited basis I have received the following thoughts on the proposal which people may like to incorporate in their objections.

1. The development would have an adverse impact on local views and landscape character in the following ways:
1.1 The proposal would encroach on the open gap between Hassocks and Hurstpierpoint which is important to prevent the physical and visual coalescence of the built up areas.
1.2 The development would be visible from the golf course, the ridge to the south and the public footpaths which cross the area.
1.3 The report makes a point that the existing houses on London Road are not well screened from the adjacent fields and that the development would provide an opportunity to soften this edge with new green infrastructure in the form of open space. The proposed new houses would be more prominent in the landscape as they would be at a higher elevation and the proposed landscape treatment would not adequately mitigate this impact. A belt of tree planting a minimum of 20m wide would be required to mitigate the proposals from local viewpoints. The intrinsic character of this landscape is of a patchwork of fields and well treed hedges, which would be strengthened by the proposal, but would not provide sufficient mitigation for the visual impact of the development.

2. The application is premature in relation to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. This will identify the optimum locations for new development and also the location for new recreational facilities including informal open space and formal facilities such as playing fields. The area subject to the planning application would have potential to provide Green Infrastructure as part of an accessible green network around the village which links with the golf course, playing field and the stream and public footpaths around the north of the village.

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